Lynchburg (Virginia) Humane Society's Foster Dog Program

This site tells the story of one of the Foster Dogs at the Lynchburg Humane Society. If you're interested in adopting a dog this site will give you lots of information about our current Foster Dog who is available for immediate adoption. We want to provide you with honest and complete information so you can make a really good decision about whether this dog is right for you.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fenris' Report Card


This Report Card will help you understand how Fenris behaves and about his characteristics.

Behavior / Characteristic                   Grades when                   Grades now
                                                         he arrived with us

Affection                                                    A -                                  A

Loyalty                                                       B +                                 A -

Comes when called                                    B                                    A -

Walks with loose lead                                F                                     B

Housebroken                                              B                                    A

Sleeps through night                                  A -                                  A -

Sits on command                                       F                                     B

Motivated by treats                                   A                                     A

Motivated by praise                                  B                                     A

Protective of house or people                   C                                     C

Behavior with other dogs                          C                                     B

Behavior with strangers                            C                                     B

Fenris is a wonderful dog. It is absolutely not possible to judge him accurately when he's living at the shelter.   His behavior there is vastly different than it is at home. Over the past several weeks we have developed a strong bond with him because of his charm and affection, and his behavior has improved greatly.  There is no doubt that we would keep this dog in our family forever if our schedules allowed us to have him. 

If you decide that Fenris would be a good addition to your family we will be very happy to consult with you and help you manage the transition into your household.  Although you probably won't need any help from us because he's such a great dog! 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happiest Dog - Ever!

Fenris' tail only stops wagging when he's running, sleeping, or pooping! Seriously, he is the happiest foster dog we've had, maybe even the happiest dog we've ever had. Although he's happy nearly all the time there are things that make him especially happy. . .

Fenris' Happy List -

1.  Crawling in a lap. 
Here he is with his Foster Mom and in dog heaven. 

2.  Returning to us at full speed when we whistle or call his name.

3.  Eating treats when he behaves well.

4.  Sleeping next to our bed on his blanket.

5.  Going for a hike. 
Here's Fenris with some members of our hiking club on the Appalachian Trail at Apple Orchard Falls. Fenris is also happy about making friends with new people.  He hiked 7 1/2 miles that day,  and that night he was really happy about #4 above!

6.  Getting adopted.
Fenris is happy in his Foster Home, but he will be ecstatic when you adopt him as part of your family.  He's an outstanding dog with huge potential and will be a fine family member.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fenris Comes Home

Fenris was welcomed to his foster home on March 5.  He adjusted to the house and our routine faster than any previous foster dog we've had.  He also bonded with us faster than any other foster dog.  Fenris is probably the most affectionate and loyal dog we've ever had in our home - foster dog or not.
His Personality -
Fenris loves being part of the "family pack" and is always with us.  Wherever we are in the house is where Fenris will be.  He seeks our attention and approval.  When we sit down he wants to be in our laps. When we go to bed he sleeps on his blanket next to the bed.  We don't allow dogs on the bed - if we did Fenris would be sleeping with us. 

On a recent sunny, warm day we spent hours working in the front yard while Fenris happily lay in the freshly cut grass watching us and occasionally approaching us for a scratch behind the ears.  He was unleashed for the entire time and never wandered off on his own. 

Behavior -
Fenris is housebroken.  He quickly and consistently answers to us when we call his name or whistle.  He will bark at strangers but when we let visitors into the house he welcomes them.  He's an excellent hiker, remains close to you, and stays on the trail.

While most of his behavior is endearing, Fenris is still a young dog and hasn't learned all the basic behaviors he needs to learn.  We are certain that when he's instructed about what to do, understands about our expectations, has been told about limitations and consequences that he will learn and do all those basic behaviors.  He will be a fantastic member of any family.

Training -
The top priorities that we're working on are the following:
1. Walking on a loose leash
2. Sit
3. Stay
4. Playing properly

As time goes by we'll post updates about Fenris' training, personality, and his home life with us.